Current Job Advertisements
Just at the moment we have no international job openings. But if you think you can significantly contribute to e-flox please contact us with your résumé by email.
FLOX® - energy technology systems
recuperative burners
Dedicated for landfill gas combustors
Recuperative burner
Highly efficient heat recovery
B2H - Green Hydrogen
from Biogas
Turn-key plants for steam reforming
5-40 kg/h of green Hydrogen
Current Job Advertisements
Just at the moment we have no international job openings. But if you think you can significantly contribute to e-flox please contact us with your résumé by email.
e-flox develops, manufactures, installs and services turn-key plants based on the patented FLOX® - technology. Our core competence are combustion systems for low caloric gases. Biogas steam reformers for green hydrogen is our newest product. Have a look at it.
e-flox GmbH
Dornierstrasse 14
71272 Renningen
Phone: +49 7159 18086 0
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 253351
VAT-ID Nr.: DE245839952
Managing directors:
Dr.-Ing. Roland Berger
Dr.-Ing. Joachim G. Wünning
Contact USA:
e-flox Inc.
8301 West Erie Avenue
Lorain, OH 44053