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FLOX® - energy technology systems

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recuperative burners

Dedicated for landfill gas combustors

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Recuperative burner

Highly efficient heat recovery

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BTH - Green Hydrogen
from Biogas

Turn-key plants for steam reforming

5-40 kg/h of green Hydrogen

e-flox GmbH welcomes you

e-flox GmbH is a majority-owned subsidary of

WS-Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH

WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH has invented and developed the FLOX® - technology and holds corresponding patents. FLOX® -burners are well established in industrial applications due to their energy efficiency. WS Wärmeprozesstechnik has secured a leading position on the global market with its innovative and high-quality products, ongoing R&D and customer-orientated approach.

Business philosophy

FLOX® - technology is a clean technology in terms of high energy efficiency. Rising costs for energy, reducing environmental emissions and the limited availability of resources inspire our ongoing R&D to stay ahead. Continuous improvement of our technology and exploitation of new markets are our guiding points.